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"On the way to Lisa's", 2008
Series: "Underground" Edition: 10 + 2 AP Size: 20 x 40 cm.
"Back from Lisa's", 2009
Series: "Underground" Edition: 10 + 2 AP Size: 20 x 40 cm.
"Back in the neighborhood", 2009
Series: "Underground" Edition: 10 + 2 AP Size: 20 x 40 cm.
"On the way to Lisa's II", 2008
Series: "Underground" Edition: 10 + 2 AP Size: 20 x 40 cm.
"Almost there", 2009
Series: "Underground" Edition: 10 + 2 AP Size: 20 x 40 cm.
Neither Here Nor There, 2009
Series: Underground Ed.: 10 + 2 AP Size: 20 x 40 cm. Tech.: Lambda Print
"Back North", 2009
Series: Underground Edition: 10 * 2 AP Size: 20 x 40 cm.
I've spent a lot of time entering, exiting and waiting in subway stations, Sometimes it's just me and a musician.
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